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The unique formula of Lava™ Plus High Translucency Zirconia provides significantly higher translucency and unprecedented beauty – without compromising strength

Lava Plus High Translucency Zirconia is the most popular choice for posterior restorations. Do not be fooled into thinking that all zirconia is made the same! It is not!Anderson Dental Lab continues to show their commitment to quality when choosing the material for their all zirconia restorations. Lava Plus is clinically tested to provide you and your patient with a long lasting and esthetic restoration. Our doctors deserve only the best!

The zirconia system rated to have the best esthetics for all-zirconia and layered restorations

The unprecedented and natrual beauty of Lava Plus High Teanslucency Zirconia produces highly esthetic restorations. In a field evaluation, Lava Plus was put to the tests by dentists and labs alike. Dental Lab Reviews showed Lava Plus to have the best overall esthetics, with significantly higher all-zirconia translucency than leading competitors- without compromising strengh. It is the only system that mathes the VITA Classical A1-D4 and bleached shades.

Lava Plus is beautifully durable


Lava Plus all zirconia are virtually unbreakable-and without porcelain overlay, worries about chipping are eliminated. And the durability doesn't stop there. Scientific data proves that Lava Plus all zirconia restorations have antagonist-preserving wear properties and are not abraded or roughened under occlusal load. It is the ideal, highly esthetic, alternatice to PRM or full-cast metal restorations.

It's the incredibly strong and completely versatile zirconia


Lava plus is well suited for both anterior and posterior restorations. Often in the case that there is minimal clearance in the anterior, we can utilize this material to leave the lingual in framework. It also allows for easy tooth preserving preperation. (< 0.5mm minimum wall thickness) This requires 3X less occlusal preperation than lithium disilcate glass ceramic because of it's 3X greater strength.

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