Why Lava? How About 10 Years, 100 studies and millions of cases!
Lava Zirconia is your choice is you are looking for the best esthetics around. Do not be fooled into thinking that all zirconia is made the same! It is not! Even though zirconia can be chemically similar, it is certainly not the same. Click here to find out! Anderson Dental Lab continues to show their commitment to quality when choosing the material for their all zirconia restorations. Lava is clinically tested to provide you and your patient with a long lasting and esthetic restoration. Our doctors deserve only the best!
Significantly Higher Translucency Than Other Zirconia
The unprecedented and natrual beauty of Lava produces highly esthetic restorations. With a combination of a great material and our highly skilled technicians, this restoration will provide you with the esthetics that you and your patients deserve.
Anderson Dental Lab's 7 Years of Experience With Lava Zirconia
At Anderson Dental Lab, we believe in using the highest quality materials avaliable. We have been using Lava Zirconia for 7 years for a good reason. It is the best! This material provides the best esthetics along with an excellent marginal fit. Let us create you patient a beautiful smile with Lava Zirconia.