Implant Restorations
Make Implants Easy by Using Anderson Dental Lab
Anderson Dental Lab is the top choice when looking for a lab to produce quality restorations over any implant system. We are well versed with any implant system on the market today and are always avaliable to consult with you on any complex cases that you may have. The majority of our patient specific abutments come from Atlantis AstraTech. These abutments ensure that we are able to acheive optimal function and esthetics. Abutments are available in Titanium, Gold Hue, and Zirconia; and are also compatible with nearly every major implant system. These patient specific abutments also provide you with a peace mind. Atlantis will warranty both the abutment and implant system should the implant supplier fail to honor their warranty due to the use of an Atlantis abutment.
We will:
Assist in planning complex cases
Design and mill custom abutments
Walk you through the implant process
Help you to overcome placement problems
Provide seating jig for orentation varification with every case
Tailor each abutment and restoration toward your specific preferences